jueves, 15 de abril de 2010


As soon as Roy opened the door, he knew something was wrong. He tried to step back but some strange shadow pulled him into the dark, cold room. The old wooden door closed in a slam and another one swinged behind him, as slow as a snail. When he went to see what was in there, a tiny insect entered into his mouth when he opened it, and stung him. He fainted and laid there for 10 minutes, without moving.

Then he woke up, but he had red eyes and a strange scar on his cheek; he opened the old wooden door, the one that he had used to enter the room, but it took him to another place, like if it wasn’t the same door; a light room was there, passing the door, a light huge room with a crystal little table, and a purple cupcake on it. He ate the cupcake and disappeared into a cloud of dust.

Nobody remembers Roy, now he made part of history, and that old wooden door never opened again.

Many people passed next to the door… some looked straight at it, some just didn’t noticed it, and some children wanted to enter the door, but their mothers always said no... Some months ago, a company wanted to buy the field and construct a new shopping, but when they went to see the place, the manager of the company had a chill and started not to trust in that place, specifically , in that door… So they just left it, and didn’t do anything…

It is said here, that Matt, a 17 year old boy, entered to the room with his friend Alex and saw a person standing next to a chair, but nobody trust them, because the only one that had entered there was Roy, and we know what happened to him. Some people think that that person in the room in Roy’s ghost… but we don’t know.

Many years passed, and the old wooden door was still closed, until today…

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Let's practice my english :) Talking about ...... [read]

Well, i just wanted to improve my english... I'm just a 14 years old girl, and i think i have a good english for my age... I don't know what to talk about... I think i'll start with "Pollution", beacuse it's horrible how all the rivers are polluted with chemicals, and how all the forests are cut down to make just paper... I just say that we NEED to help our planet, no matter if what we are doing is just not throwing papers to the floor, or turning off lights we are not using at the moment; all that helps. Many people say that what they are doing is not enough, so they stop doing it, and it's wrong... There are people, too, that throw papers to the floor, and when someone tells them to throw it on a trash bin, they say: "I more paper doesn't do anything"... But they don't realize that thousands of people at that moment are saying the same, and may accumulate kilos of papers...
I think we should ALL turn off lights some day, ALL not to throw papers to the floor, ALL not to buy unnnecesarry things, ALL not to think that natural resourses are unlimited... Water is being polluted by factories, or even by us! Water is an essencial for humanity; without water, we can't cook, clean, dring, nothing, without mentioning that plants need water and animals too, just like humans...
I hope, that someday, we can realize that the world is being killed! And if we don't help it, we'll finish in a terrible way... with no water, no food, no fresh air... I don't want a future like that for my children. Please help me, help us, help the Earth, that's begging for help, and nobody listens...

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Hablemos de amor (porque no se me ocurre nada mas xD)

No les pasa mucho que por ejemplo, les gusta un chico que al principio, no se si le gusta alguien mas o si esta de novio (medio inprudente porque despues sufris por amor).... y te haces todas las ilusiones, y tiempo despues te enteras de que a esa persona le gusta alguien, y te haces la cabeza de que no tenes chances (y si es del grado o de tu edad, peor, porque no da).
Me pasa muy de vez en cuando, pero ya aprendi a sobrepasarlo y ademas a disimularlo muy bien (eso creo)... Capaz a veces no me sale, pero hago todo mi ezfuerzo. Yo tengo 14, aunque todavia no tube un novio, pero no me apuro... A veces me dan ganas de poder abrazar a alguien, pero el problema es que no conozco a muchos chicos... Los que conozco son unos volumenos, y ademas en mi barrio no hay BUENOS CHICOS... Son todos re villa, re drogados, que ademas ni les prestamos atencion con mis amigas.... A todo esto, tampoco salgo mucho, entonces no puedo conocer a chicos, pero no salgo porque no pueda, sino porque me da paja xD... Si lo arreglamos con tiempo, seguramente si salgo, pero tengo la desventaja de que soy bastante introvertida : ( Entonces no puedo darme a conocer, porque me considero una chica muy divertida, y pueden confiar en mi, pero el ser introvertida me caga la vida ¬¬ .... Ademas de todo esto, resulta que ahora los pibes valoran mas a una gata que a una BUENA PIBA :(

Bueno, mas que de amor fue mas de mi vida... Aunque tubo que ver un poco con amor... al principio xD